The President's Column
by Steve Weitekamp
June 2014
This issue of The Communicator reviews some of the highlights and shares many photographs of our recent Convention. Our time in Monterey was a success with a high-quality program and numerous opportunities for networking at fun-filled events. To top it off the weather couldn’t have been more beautiful. The culmination of our Convention was the passing of the gavel from Chairman PJ Welch to Chairman Jay Casey. We thank Chairman Welch for his service and look forward to the year ahead with Chairman Casey. Make plans to join us next year April 28 to May 3 in San Diego.
Summer is upon us. Hopefully, you have positioned your business to take advantage of capacity opportunities that CMSA expects to materialize as a result of the impact of challenging California regulations. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) Diesel Truck regulations has many carriers concerned about doing business in our state. The rules continue to modify, to the confusion of many. However, in brief, if your equipment is not California-specific and operates more than 20,000 miles per year, you have few options this year. The financial hardship extension will most likely not be finalized for implementation until the end of 2014. CMSA will continue to provide information in The Communicator, upcoming Convention and chapter meetings as it becomes available.
Since our last publication, the CARB board of directors met to review possible modifications to the existing On-Road Diesel Engine Regulation. This round of modifications addressed issues discussed and presented at the CARB listening sessions in late 2013, where CMSA and several members addressed regulation and implementation concerns. CARB appears to have listened to our concerns related to the financial impact on low-use operators and our message related to vocational trucking. (Think: Industries, like moving, have operations that include significant work time when the truck is not running). Our message was that vocational trucking is a larger group than just construction-related trucking. We believe that the modified work truck extension will provide compliance flexibilities to California movers. has an article in this issue that reviews the CARB program in further detail.
In May, CMSA participated, for the first time, in the National Defense Transportation Association (NDTA) conference where we presented the current CARB program to attendees representing the military, government agencies and movers who service military business. In addition to reviewing the program, our mission was to ensure that all present understood that CMSA members stand ready with capacity to service this important line of business.
One of the core values of the Association is the belief that we can do good while doing well. Our recent convention saw the awarding of $56,000 in scholarships and $5,000 donation to the Special Olympics. Our Board of Directors also established a relationship with the Move for Hunger program. Forty-seven CMSA member companies are already participating in this worthwhile program and I know that others will join in the near future. In this busy time, make sure your crews understand the importance of safe operation of vehicles and equipment both for themselves and the public.
June 2014 - CMSA