E-Communicator Article

The Chairman's Corner

by Rick Hosea

January 2013

Two weeks before Christmas, I hit the road to attend CMSA meetings with a couple of our central chapters. I have enjoyed meeting many CMSA members during our statewide chapter visits. These men and women have given so much of themselves during the past year for one reason. They (like many in our industry) want to make sure there is a level playing field for us all. They want to protect the relocating public by removing the opportunities for illegal movers to prey on the unsuspecting public, which often results in unfavorable results for the rest of us. These meetings have also allowed me the opportunities to observe the way each Chapter President interacts with their chapter members. Each one has exhibited outstanding leadership skills. These chapter leaders (along with our strong CMSA management) have allowed us to be the benchmark for other state organizations in the United States. When I began my journey as your Chairman last April, I looked forward to bringing my experience and passion to the position, but I now realize that I have gotten so much back in return. Clearly, this is and will always be a two-way street; nobody can ever look back without feeling some sense of gratitude for the changing experience that comes with being the CMSA Chairman.

 I look forward to the opportunities which lie before us in 2013, with the tax implications of the “fiscal cliff” now behind us, the time is right for California businesses to break through to new horizons. We can do this by developing and executing strong business plans, and empowering informed teams to supports our visions. As leaders, it is imperative to share our plans with our entire team in order to achieve the goals we have set for our organizations. Lastly, we need to emphasize that employees (no matter their roles) must embody the highest level of customer service possible. If we adopt these business strategies and manage our companies with well-defined plans, we can look forward to the positive results in 2013.

After a brief time away with my family this holiday season, I’ve returned with the energy to take on the challenges we are certain to face with the expected implementation of AB2 118. We have been patiently awaiting the return of the new CPUC Consumer Protection and Safety Division (CPSD) Director, Brigadier General Emory “Jack” Hagan. This week, I was informed that he has returned to work. Steve will be meeting him in order to forge a strong relationship on CMSA’s behalf. Steve will share the details of this meeting when he reports back to us in the next couple of weeks. Our CMSA Board of Directors (along with CMSA’s management team) will continue to keep members informed and up-to-date with all current industry trends and regulations as we move further into the New Year.

I would like to wish everyone my very best for 2013.

January 2013 - CMSA Communicator

California Moving & Storage Association 1998-2013
10900 E. 183rd St., Ste 300, Cerritos, CA 90703-5370
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