E-Communicator Article

The President's Column

by Steve Weitekamp

September 2013

CMSA chapter meetings and the Chairman’s chapter visits are off to a strong start. Our recent visits to both the Twin Counties Chapter and the San Diego Chapter were greeted by record attendance and enthusiastic participation. Below are updates on several of the projects on which CMSA is currently working


We are finalizing a draft of the Association bylaws changes and, pending approval by the Board of Directors at our Fall Board meeting in late October, drafts will be mailed out to all members for a vote. Our bylaws have not been modernized, and it has been many years since they were reviewed. This has been a project that has been reviewed over two years and utilized outside counsel to complete.


At the direction of the Executive Board, we have developed a CMSA promotional postcard that will be mailed to all permitted carriers, including CMSA members. The purpose of this mailer is to remind all carriers that CMSA is their Association. Those who aren’t members should join and those members who are not active should take a more active role.


CMSA has received several inquiries regarding the Department of General Services (DGS) Office Moving Services Master Service Agreement (MSA) and the opportunity to participate in the program. Some members will recall that CMSA played an active role in the original development of the MSA a little over five years ago. It was our goal to be a part of any changes in the revised program. Unfortunately, it was determined that input from CMSA and other parties that provide the service was not necessary. As a result, we shared our concerns with the revised program once information was made public, resulting in delaying changes and later withdrawal of the MSA. The process has been put on a brief hold as DGS reviews the agreement. Thankfully, this process has resulted in a re-evaluation of the value of industry input and an opportunity for CMSA and several members to meet with DGS with the goal of establishing a dialogue that might improve the program for both the state and service providers. At the same time, we will be addressing the Standard State Rates for household goods that has not been adjusted since 2009.


Our publication frequently speaks to the positive benefits of technology in our business and personal lives. However, below is a warning that I wish to share, which was provided by my friend and colleague Patricia McLaughlin, executive director of the Illinois Movers’ and Warehousemen’s Association:


“NEW BANK FRAUD WARNING: Technology can make life slicker and quicker, and TV commercials sure do try to lure you in with the latest mobile app. But it also opens the door for people to stick it to you. [I’m sharing this with all of you not to encourage anyone getting the same ‘bright idea,’ but to urge caution in your everyday transactions! This could happen to anybody who writes checks!]


“One of our moving company owners asked me to share this important warning: ‘We just caught one of our employees in a fraud situation. Get this: Our accountant noticed the same check number being debited from our bank account. So when I called Bank of America, after investigating, they said the check was negotiated twice, meaning, once on a mobile device through a different bank and then the second time went to Bank of America and physically deposited it in their personal bank account. Isn't this scary? Now we're watching our bank account like a hawk, same applies for business checks that are deposited on mobile phones and then they could go to another bank and deposit the check. I hope every business owner's bank statement is being reconciled monthly. This is how our accountant caught this scammer.’”

September 2013 - CMSA Communicator

California Moving & Storage Association 1998-2013
10900 E. 183rd St., Ste 300, Cerritos, CA 90703-5370
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