California ProMover Marketing Resources
Below you'll find links to
marketing and promotional materials help you promote your
company, especially in advance of the annual moving season
(May is National Moving Month). If you have any questions or
suggestions, please let us know.
Click here for an annual Moving Season marketing timeline.
Click here to download National Moving Month web banners you can post on your website.
Download Public Service Announcements you can place on California radio stations or use with your radio ads. (Right-click, select "Save As..."):
The National Association of Broadcasters offers a guide, Getting Your Message on the Air (PDF), to help you place public service announcements on your local radio stations.
Download a PowerPoint presentation you can customize to contain your company name and logo for you to use when speaking before virtually any local group in California, from civic clubs such as Kiwanis to business lunches or any other opportunity you may have to discuss the best ways for consumers to guard against moving scams. Please note that you will need to customize the first and last slides with your company’s information.
Download a flyer promoting the California ProMover program for consumers or
copy the HTML code to create a California ProMover page for your own website.
You can even use one of the National Moving Month banners (found here) on your homepage and link it to the new page!